Community Action Plan


Updated 21:21 Monday 1 May

List of Actions

This page lists all the actions from the Plan.

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Actions in Black have not yet been started - could you help?

Actions in Orange are in progress.

Actions in Green are complete.

All Weather 3G Pitch - view completed activity

Artwork in Town Centre - view activity and how you can help

Become Scotland's First Biodiversity Town - view completed activity

Biodiversity - view activity and how you can help

Build on Christmas Shopping event - view activity and how you can help

Bus Services (includes RTAP) - view activity and how you can help

Community hospital - view activity and how you can help

Connect with Wider Heritage - view activity and how you can help

Consider Cycle/Pedestrian Bridge - view activity and how you can help

Consider Saving Rattray Hall - view completed activity

Co-working & Hot desking - view activity and how you can help

Create 'What To Do In' Information - view activity and how you can help

Cyclist & Pedestrian Friendly - view activity and how you can help

Davie Park Development - view activity and how you can help

Develop Activities - view activity and how you can help

Develop Carbon reducing initiatives - view activity and how you can help

Develop Community Hub - view activity and how you can help

Development of Hospitality - view activity and how you can help

Development of Venues - view activity and how you can help

Develop Paths & Cycle Paths - view activity and how you can help

Develop/Support local Events Programme - view activity and how you can help

Develop Town Hall - view activity and how you can help

Employment Readiness - view activity and how you can help

Encourage Joint Working - view activity and how you can help

Encourage More Accommodation - view activity and how you can help

Encourage Shop local - view activity and how you can help

Encourage Use of Empty Shops - view activity and how you can help

Enhance Local Heritage - view activity and how you can help

Explore Train Service potential - view activity and how you can help

Flower displays - view activity and how you can help

Happy to Chat, Happy to Listen Bench Trails (includes RTAP) - view completed activity

Heritage Digital Items - view activity and how you can help

Hospital Transport - view activity and how you can help

Identity & Promotion - view activity and how you can help

Improve Access to Health Services - view activity and how you can help

Improve Broadband & Wifi - view activity and how you can help

Improve Childcare Provision - view activity and how you can help

Improve Community Access - view activity and how you can help

Improve Parks - view activity and how you can help

Improve Shop fronts - view activity and how you can help

Improve street furniture, bins and signage - view activity and how you can help

Increase Police Presence - view activity and how you can help

Indoor Activities - view activity and how you can help

Inequality Awareness - view activity and how you can help

Install a Town Noticeboard for Rattray (RTAP) - view activity and how you can help

Install More Bike Storage (RTAP) - view activity and how you can help

Install Wayfinding signs for places of interest etc (RTAP) - view activity and how you can help

Joint Marketing & Promotion - view activity and how you can help

Local Heritage - view activity and how you can help

Low Carbon High Nature Brand - view activity and how you can help

Make Most of History - view activity and how you can help

New Recreation Centre Fit for Purpose - view activity and how you can help

Offer Essential Cycling Skills Courses (RTAP) - view activity and how you can help

Parking Strategy - view activity and how you can help

Partnership plans - view activity and how you can help

Promote Arts & Cultural Assets - view activity and how you can help

Promote Environmental Assets - view activity and how you can help

Promote Independent Shops - view activity and how you can help

Promote Path Network - view activity and how you can help

Protect & enhance Greenspace - view activity and how you can help

Rattray Bus Stops - view activity and how you can help

Rattray Community Garden - view activity and how you can help

Rattray Health Services - view activity and how you can help

Rattray High Street Safety (RTAP) - view activity and how you can help

Rattray Transport Action Plan - view activity and how you can help

Recreational facilities - view activity and how you can help

Renewable Energy - view activity and how you can help

Retain Recreational Facilities - view activity and how you can help

Riverside Development - view activity and how you can help

School Community Liaison - view activity and how you can help

School parking issues - view activity and how you can help

Suggestions - view activity and how you can help

Support Blair in Bloom - view activity and how you can help

Support Most Vulnerable - view activity and how you can help

Support & Promote Local Heritage - view activity and how you can help

Support SCYD - view activity and how you can help

Support Town Enhancement - view activity and how you can help

Tourism Transport Strategy - view activity and how you can help

Town Design & Development - view activity and how you can help

Traffic Flow - view activity and how you can help

Working with Wider Area - view activity and how you can help

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